Labtech pH meters: a very useful tooling that makes taking pH measurements quick and precise with every use. This means you can be confident you’re measuring how acidic or basic a solution is. Like other things in our world, the pH levels are also im...
VIDIEŤ VIACHey kids! Have You Ever Heard About Conductivity Meter? It is a really neat tool that scientists use to determine how well electricity flows through water, and other liquids. This matters because understanding how electricity flows can provide scient...
VIDIEŤ VIACWater is one of those natural resources that must be safe not only for human consumption but also for all living being, including animals. Water is vital for living, and we need to know that it’s safe and healthy. And that’s why it is so important to...
VIDIEŤ VIACDo you ever wonder how scientists test if water is clean and safe to drink? They use one special tool called conductivity meter! In this text we will help you understand what conductivity meters are, how they function, and what is their importance in...
VIDIEŤ VIACHow to Understand Calibration of Testing WaterBut before discovering how you can calibrate your Labtech water quality analyzer, we need to first understand why it is so important. Calibration: the act of comparing the measurements taken by your devic...
VIDIEŤ VIACLabtech works with scientists to perform critical experiments in their labs. One crucial tool for scientists is a device called a spectrophotometer. A spectrophotometer is a special device that determines the extent to which each substance absorbs li...
VIDIEŤ VIACSo, welcome to the wonderful world of science. We also use these tools called spectrophotometers in laboratories. Because measuring light is not straightforward and these tools make it relatively simple, they are quite valuable. A lot of experiments ...
VIDIEŤ VIACTo je pre nás všetkých také dôležité, že je potrebné sa o vodu naplno starať. Vodu potrebujeme každý deň na pitie, varenie a čistenie. A najdôležitejšia vec, ktorú máme v rukách, je piť bezpečnú a čistú vodu. Preto používame strojové...
VIDIEŤ VIACNajťažšie na tom všetkom je vybrať najlepšieho výrobcu pre spektrofotometer, ale to sa tiež ukáže ako najdôležitejšie. Spektrofotometer je stroj, ktorý vedci alebo lekári používajú na meranie farby. Je to malá škatuľka s obrazovkou. ty...
VIDIEŤ VIACDobrý deň, mladí vedci. Naozaj vás teší skúšanie vecí a učenie sa vo vašom laboratóriu? To je úžasné. Ak radi robíte kúzla vo svojom laboratóriu, potom sú miešadlá na varnej platni niečo, čo je vám veľmi blízke a drahé. Varné miešadlá sú...
VIDIEŤ VIACČína má popredných výrobcov pH senzorov a sú to výrobné spoločnosti. Jednoduchšie povedané, pH senzory sú zariadenia používané ľuďmi na meranie úrovne kyslosti alebo zásaditosti (zásaditosti) v kvapaline. Zmes nielen chutí sladko, ale môže...
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