

ph sensor probe

An excellent tool for scientists, Labtech pH sensor probe is used to measure the acidity or basicity of a particular liquid or material. This special probe enables scientists to determine the pH of water, soil, and even human blood. pH = Permanence of a substance is very useful information, hence know your pH. A scientist can measure the pH level of water to know it is safe for people to drink. If the water's pH is bad then it will require the water to be prepped or treated for safe uses.

Choosing the Right pH Sensor Probe for Your Application

Please consider several parameters when you need deciding to use a pH sensor probe. First, the pH range of liquid or material to be measure. A different substances have a different pH level so you may opt for a pH probe that can measure the pH range that you require. The second factor is the substance temperature, as some probes work better at certain temperatures. Finally, you have to make a decision on how large of a sample you want to test. Labtech provides numerous pH sensor probes as well as multiple distinct features to suit specific requirements. For example, they actually have specialty probes for measuring pH for food safety in meats and dairy products.

Why choose Labtech ph sensor probe?



